Specialist Services for Women
If you have been affected by Sexual or Domestic Violence and Abuse EACH can help you through the following projects, which are confidential and free to access…
Referral forms:
EACH delivers specialist counselling and group support for women and girls under Ascent. Ascent is a partnership within the London Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) consortium delivering a range of services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse.
As part of Ascent, EACH is providing counselling and group therapy in the following boroughs;
- Brent (Waiting list closed)
- Harrow (Waiting list closed)
- Hillingdon (Waiting list closed)
- Hounslow (Waiting list closed)
- Ealing
- Kingston (Waiting list closed)
- Richmond (Waiting list closed)
- Wandsworth (Waiting list closed)
- Merton
For Ascent services in other boroughs please call the Advice Hub (0808 801 0660) or visit www.thelondonvawgconsortium.org.uk.
The London VAWG Consortium works to end violence against women and girls. It is made up of 29 organisations working in partnership to deliver comprehensive, cost effective, high quality front-line services to all communities across London.
For support…
Call: 020 8577 6059
Email: infoascent@eachcounselling.org.uk

The Jasmine Project
Referral forms:
This service supports women in Ealing with inter-related issues around; domestic and sexual violence, mental health, homelessness, problematic drug and alcohol use.
If you are affected by any of the above, we can provide help and support through groups and counselling.
You can explore your issues in a safe and confidential women-only space, receiving support through group therapy with other women to build your confidence and skills. One-to-one counselling is also provided by experienced female therapists.